It's book release day for CONTRIBUTE!


I'm so excited to announce that Contribute has officially released today! The sequel to Consider and the conclusion to the Holo Series brings many mixed emotions since my debut year was a long, winding journey. There were times I wasn't sure if book 2 was ever going to see this day. And here we are. Series done. :)

It's weird writing a series. It still feels like my characters are alive (well, the ones who survived--spoilers!) and they've been put on pause. At the same time, there's a giant sense of relief to have reached this point, to let them go creatively and discover new characters and new stories. The best way to get over an old love is to find a new love. Isn't that what they say? I'll be spending the next year working on a new YA project (top secret for now, sorry. You'll be the first to hear details when I can share, so stay tuned).

To the readers out there, I want to say thank you for sticking with me and giving my debut series a chance.

***To celebrate publication week, some giveaways!***Check out the flash giveaway on Twitter:

FLASH GIVEAWAY to celebrate my book release! Today only: RT & follow to win a signed copy of CONSIDER+CONTRIBUTE, plus some extra swag!

— Kristy Acevedo 📝 (@kristyace) July 11, 2017


On Goodreads, there are two separate giveaways for each book. Both end July 17th.Enter Consider Goodreads GiveawayEnter Contribute Goodreads GiveawayFinally, if you're local, please come celebrate this Saturday, July 15 from 2-4pm at Barnes & Noble in Dartmouth, MA. More details here!


How #PitMad 2015 Led To My Two-Book Publishing Deal with Jolly Fish Press


It all started with Brenda Drake's #PitMad on March 11, 2015.

#PitMad is a Twitter hashtag that runs four times a year where writers pitch their edited manuscripts in 140 characters, and if any editors, publishers, or agents favorite their pitch, they should submit according to that person's guidelines ASAP.The Twitter pitch for my YA sci-fi, Consider:

#PitMad If a hologram said it could save your life, would you believe it? #YA#SFF— Kristy Acevedo (@kristyace) March 11, 2015

One of those little favorites led to a publishing offer TEN DAYS LATER. (This is why you should only participate if your manuscript is finished.)

This is how it went down:On March 12, 2015  I sent three chapters, a synopsis, and query according to the Jolly Fish Press submission guidelines.

On March 13, 2015 I received a full manuscript request.

On March 18, 2015 Editor TJ da Roza sent an email requesting more information about my writing background, specifically my experiences with SCBWI,  my critique group, and the Monthly Twitter Writing Challenge. I took this email as a good sign. After sending my response, I saw this post on Twitter:

Our acquisitions meeting is happening tomorrow where we decide our 2016 spring list. Which book will make our list? Stay tuned. — Jolly Fish Press (@JollyFishPress) March 20, 2015

I tried not to get my hopes up, but I couldn't help wondering...What if?

On March 21,2015 That Saturday morning, I received THE CALL. The call every unpublished writer waits to hear.  TJ da Roza said that Jolly Fish Press was offering to publish my YA sci-fi manuscript, Consider. Since I had mentioned in my query that Consider has two-book series potential, he asked me how much I've written of Book 2. I admitted I only had a few rough chapters, but I explained the basic conflict of Book 2.That's when he said Jolly Fish Press was offering a TWO-BOOK contract for the series! (While my brain stopped functioning at that point, I did manage a happy dance...)That means they talked about MY BOOK at this meeting:

This is what serious managing editors look like in a meeting where we decide our 2016 titles.— Jolly Fish Press (@JollyFishPress) March 22, 2015

On March 29, 2015 I received the written contract. I hired Mary Flower, Literary Contract Consultant, to review the terms and negotiate on my behalf.On April 7, 2015 I signed with Jolly Fish Press. Click here for Official Press Release!  And the rest is history.For those unpublished writers out there hoping to go the traditional route, you never know how close you are. One favorited tweet changed my life.

me signing

me signing

Thank you, Brenda Drake, for #PitMad! I'm an author now!

Consider Book

Consider Book

CONSIDER (April 2016 with Jolly Fish Press)

Winner of the 2015 PEN New England Susan P. Bloom Children's Book Discovery Award

Read a free preview of Chapter 1 here.

Available to purchase in paperback, digital, and audio!





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